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Averta PE

A geometric sans with true italics

Styles54 Static - 2 Variable

Range3 widths, 9 weights + italics

DesignerKostas Bartsokas

An appealing personality!
Лондан іграе вядучую ролю ў палітычным, эканамічным і культурным жыцці Вялікабрытаніі. У горадзе знаходзіцца міжнародны аэрапорт Хітроў, адзін з буйнейшых у свеце, рачны порт на рацэ Тэмзе, шматлікія сусветна вядомыя славутасці: Вэстмінстэрскае абацтва, комплекс Вэстмінстэрскага палаца з гадзіннікавай вежай, сабор Святога Паўла, крэпасць Таўэр, Брытанскі музей і іншыя.
Άιντε θύμα!
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иҩыза дима аҩныҟа
The 44th Sports Emmy Awards were presented by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (NATAS), honoring the best in American sports television coverage in 2022.
Der feinmechanische Betrieb in Merzig wurde 1927 von Johann Peter Hartfuß gegründet. Er richtete den Betrieb in einer Mühle ein, in der zuvor Getreide und Öl gemahlen wurde. Die ursprüngliche Mühle wurde 1767 von Romanus Siegele und Mathias Gusenburger am Seffersbach gebaut. Der schnellfließende Bach trieb bis zu 32 Mühlen an. Der feinmechanische Betrieb stellte Maschinen und Werkzeuge für Uhrmacher her. Die Wasserkraft wurde zunächst mittels Wasserrad genutzt. Die Steigerung Effizienz erfolgte 1929 durch Installierung einer Francis-Turbine. Sie konnte zusätzlich zu den Fertigungsmaschinen mittels Transmission einen Gleichstromgenerator antreiben.
Høre på Boney M!
Μέσα σ’ ἕνα τέτοιο πνεῦμα εἶχα κινηθεῖ ἄλλοτε, ὅταν ἔλεγα ὅτι ἕνα τοπίο δὲν εἶναι, ὅπως τὸ ἀντιλαμβάνονται μερικοί, κάποιο ἁπλῶς σύνολο γῆς, φυτῶν καὶ ὑδάτων. Εἶναι ἡ προβολὴ τῆς ψυχῆς ἑνὸς λαοῦ ἐπάνω στὴν ὕλη.
Цивільне працевлаштоване населення становило 796 осіб. Основні галузі зайнятості: освіта, охорона здоров'я та соціальна допомога — 24,6 %, роздрібна торгівля — 17,7 %, публічна адміністрація — 12,2 %, науковці, спеціалісти, менеджери — 11,9 %.
Ο κύριος όγκος του πληθυσμού, περί τα δύο εκατομμύρια, κατοικεί στο ακραίο νοτιοδυτικό τμήμα της κομητείας, νότια των βουνών Σαν Μπερναρντίνο, κοντά στο Ρίβερσαϊντ, και στην Κοιλάδα Σαν Μπερναρντίνο, μια μητροπολιτική περιοχή που, μαζί με πόλεις της δυτικής Ρίβερσαϊντ, αποκαλείται και «Μεσόγεια Αυτοκρατορία» (Inland Empire, I.E.). Εκεί βρίσκονται οι 4 μεγαλύτερες πόλεις της κομητείας, με πρώτη σε πληθυσμό την έδρα της κομητείας, το Σαν Μπερναρντίνο, και δεύτερη τη Φοντάνα. Το ανατολικό τμήμα της κομητείας καλύπτεται από αραιοκατοικημένες ερήμους και βουνά, με σημαντικότερη την έρημο Μοχάβι.
Се завръща


Font Details

If you’ve got something to say, use Averta! Not illuminated with strings of lights, nor decorated in any way, Averta does not mince your words; the name is Greek (αβέρτα) and means to act or to speak openly, bluntly, without hiding. With Averta you will be recognised as direct and clear in a warm, appealing and friendly manner.

Designed by Kostas Bartsokas to remind us of clear geometric shapes in monolinear strokes, Averta firmly rests in the tradition of constructed grotesques from the first half of the twentieth century in Central Europe. Open apertures and a set of alternate characters such as a two-storey ‘a’ and a double-sloped ‘g’, typically found in Anglo-American gothics, lend the typeface warmth and express an appealing personality. Its portfolio of nine weights from extra-thin to black result in an extremely versatile family.

The five middle-weights of Averta were specifically designed for improved legibility at small sizes. As a sign of true mastery of the geometric genre, this is achieved through careful refinement in those moments were bows transition into stems. On the other hand, the two lightest and the two heaviest weights are improved to assume a confident presence in headlines. What’s more, in contrast to the geometric nature of Averta’s upright styles, no compass and ruler were involved in the design of its corresponding italics, adding a slightly humanist touch and even more versatility to the family.

Where would the geometric genre be without shapeshifting full circles into smooth ovals? In order to be prepared for tight headlines or slim columns (and to avoid letterform distortions) the family range of Averta is enriched with optically enhanced Narrow and Condensed widths. To make your life easy, all of the widths and weights are available in one convenient Variable Font file. Equipped with all of these design decisions, Averta is suited for a range of applications from signage systems to visual identities and editorial design details. Needles to say that Averta comes with small caps and a whole range of figure sets, including proportional and tabular sets for old-style and lining figures respectively.

Averta is packed with extended OpenType features including alternate glyphs, small caps, fractions, case sensitive forms, contextual alternates, oldstyle and lining (proportional and tabular) numerals, small cap numerals, numerators/denominators, superiors/inferiors, and a variety of symbols. It comes in three widths, with nine weights and matching italics and supports your words in over 400 hundred languages as a multi-script typeface that unites Latin, Greek and Vietnamese alphabets as well as award-winning Cyrillic (3rd at 2017 Granshan Awards) under one roof. Localised letterforms for Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian and Serbian Cyrillics are included to accommodate your words carefully, but precisely.

Granshan 3rd Prize
2017 Cyrillic Category
2015, 2024
Designed by
Kostas Bartsokas
Assistant designer
Alessia Mazzarella
Ferdinand Urlich
Script Support
Cyrillic, Greek, Latin
54 Styles (3 widths, 9 weights + italics)
Available Formats
Available in .otf, .ttf, and .woff2


Buying Options

We offer appropriate and hassle-free licensing packages for desktop, web, app, and ebook licences on our e-shop. For other types of commercial licences or if you need a licensing package tailored to your exact needs please contact our licensing specialist, Pria Ravichandran at

We also offer three types of complimentary licences. A temporary license for testing our fonts, a 50% discount on all typefaces for its use in education, and a complimentary licence for NGO’s, charities (particularly cancer related), etc. To know more, please contact us at​.